BSc in Computer Science
University of Calgary
2011 - 2015
Human Computer Interactions
Honours First Class
BA in Italian Studies
University of Calgary
2011 - 2015
with Distinction
MSc in Computer Science
University of Calgary
2015 - 2017
Thesis: Exploring Notifications with Pepper’s Ghost Illusion
Supervisor: Dr. Frank Maurer
PhD in Computer Science
University of Calgary
2018 - current
Supervisors: Dr. Tony Tang & Dr. Lora Oehlburg
MAKEFASHION | Designer and Engineer
ANT+ Symposium 2016 | Shenzhen Maker Fair 2016 | Makefashion Calgary Gala 2017 | Makefashion Calgary Gala 2018 | Makefashion Calgary Gala 2019
UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY | Sessional Instructor
Thinking with Data
(DATA 201) Fall 2021
Human Computer Interactions II
(CPSC 581) Winter 2020
Human Computer Interactions II
(CPSC 581) Winter 2019
UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY | Teaching Assistant
Actionable Visualization and Analytics
(DATA 605) Winter 2021 Dr. Wesley Willett
Thinking with Data
(DATA 201) Fall 2020 Dr. Nelson Wong
Thinking with Data
(DATA 201) Fall 2019 Dr. Nelson Wong
Thinking with Data
(DATA 201) Winter 2019 Dr. Nelson Wong
Thinking with Data
(SCIE 201) Winter 2018 Dr. Nelson Wong
Thinking with Data
(SCIE 201) Fall 2017 Dr. Nelson Wong
Network Systems Securit
(CPSC 526) Fall 2017 Dr. Pavol Federl
Human Computer Interactions I
(CPSC 481) Spring 2017 Dr. Tony Tang
Software Analysis and Design
(SENG 301) Winter 2017 Dr. Tony Tang
Software Analysis and Design
(SENG 301) Fall 2016 Dr. Robert Walker
Introduction to Computer Science for Computer Science Majors II (CPSC 233) Winter 2016 Dr. Lenard Manzara
UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY | Research Assistant
Agile Surface Engineering Research Lab
January 2013 - September 2015
In the ASE lab my responsibilities are to aid in the development of new and innovative software products.
THE BRIGADE | iOS Developer
App Updates 2020 - 2021
THE BRIGADE | iOS Developer
App Updates 2016
JAYMAN MASTER BUILT | Student Software Developer
May 2012 - August 2012
At Jayman my responsibilities are to assists the developers in various tasks. I updated crystal reports, wrote help documentation and I converted all of their forms to a digital format so that they can be accessed and completed on an iPad.
Swift 2
Visual Studio
Arduino Editor
Sublime Text 2
Microsoft Office
Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship (AGES) - Doctoral
2020 - 2021
Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarships
2020 - 2021
Department of Computer Science Research Award
Queen Elizabeth II Graduate (Doctoral) Research Scholarship
2018 - 2019
Fred A. McKinnon Award - Teaching Assistance Excellence for Faculty of Science
2016 - 2017
Computer Science Honorary Teaching Assistance Excellence Award
2016 - 2017
Queen Elizabeth II Graduate (Masters) Research Scholarship
2016 - 2017
Computer Science Teaching Assistance Excellence Award
2015 - 2016
Alberta Graduate Student Scholarships
2016 - 2017
NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s Program Award
2015 - 2016
Sydney Pratte, Anthony Tang, Shannon Hoover, Maria Elena Hoover, Matt Laprairie, Catherine Larose, and Lora Oehlberg. 2023. Towards a Design Space for Storytelling on the Fashion Technology Runway. In Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 36, 1–15.
One Week in the Future: Previs Design Futuring for HCI Research
Alexander Ivanov, Tim Au Yeung, Kathryn Blair, Kurtis Danyluk, Georgina Freeman, Marcus Friedel, Carmen Hull, Michael Yuk-Shing Hung, Sydney Pratte, and Wesley Willett. 2022. One Week in the Future: Previs Design Futuring for HCI Research. In Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 542, 1–15.
Sydney Pratte. 2022. Designing Fashion Technology Garments for Awareness. In Sixteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 46, 1–6.
Sydney Pratte, Anthony Tang, and Lora Oehlberg. 2021. Evoking Empathy: A Framework for Describing Empathy Tools. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 25, 1–15. DOI:
Sydney Pratte. 2018. Exploring Notifications with Pepper’s Ghost Illusion. Masters Thesis. University of Calgary, Alberta, CA.
Sydney Pratte, Teddy Seyed, Alaa Azazi, Edwin Chan, Yuxi Wang, Frank Maurer
In F. Maurer (Eds.) "Society of Devices Toolkit and Projected Pixels" in SURFNET / Designing Digital Surface Applications. Calgary, AB: NSERC SurfNet, 2016, pp. 229-240.
Sydney Pratte, Teddy Seyed, and Frank Maurer. 2016. Acquario: A Tangible Spatially-Aware Tool for Information Interaction and Visualization. In Proceedings of the 2016 Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI '16). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 217. DOI:
Edwin Chan, Dan Gonzalez, Mahshid Marbouti, Irene Mayor, Sydney Pratte, Teddy Seyed, Yuxi Wang, Jade White, Frank Maurer. 2016. Multi-Surface Systems for the Emergency Operations Centre of the Future. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Collaboration and Decision Making in Crisis Situations (CADMICS) in ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW '16). San Francisco, USA.
Projected Pixels: Exploring Projection Feedback in Multi-Surface Environments
Sydney Pratte, Teddy Seyed, Frank Maurer. 2015. Projected Pixels: Exploring Projection Feedback in Multi-Surface Environments. In the Workshop on Collaboration meets Interactive Surfaces (CmIS), in the Tenth ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS '15), Madeira, Portugal.
Sydney Pratte. 2014. Utilizing Projected Pixels in a Retail Environment. BSc Honours Thesis. University of Calgary, Alberta, CA.
Sydney Pratte, Teddy Seyed, Frank Maurer. 2015. Projected Pixels: Exploring Techniques for Feedback in Projection -Enhanced Multi-Surface Environments. In the Workshop on Supporting "Local Remote" Collaboration: Applying and Adapting Remote Group Awareness Techniques to Adapting Remote Group Awareness Techniques to Co-located Settings, in the Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference Companion on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW'15). Vancouver, Canada.
Sydney Pratte, Teddy Seyed, and Frank Maurer. 2014. Exploring Multi-Surface Interactions in Retail Environments. In Proceedings of the Ninth ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS '14). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 393–398. DOI: *Best Poster Award*
Examining Customer Collaboration in Multi-Surface Retail Environments
Sydney Pratte, Teddy Seyed, Frank Maurer. 2014. Examining Customer Collaboration in Multi-Surface Retail Environments. In Proceedings of the 2nd Collaboration meets Interactive Surfaces Workshop (CmIS) in ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2014 (ITS 2014), Dresden, Germany, 2014.
Theodore D. Hellmann, Apoorve Chokshi, Zahra Shakeri Hossein Abad, Sydney Pratte, Frank Maurer: Agile Testing: A Systematic Mapping Across Three Conferences: Understanding Agile Testing in the XP/Agile Universe, Agile, and XP Conferences. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agile Methods in Software Development (Agile 2013), Nashville, TN, 2013.